Friday 7 August 2009

FRIDAY 7th AUGUST - Addicted

Niece Fiona and Chris go home after a great week and friend Liz arrives for a long weekend. Busy times with visitors, but then York and North Yorkshire are beautiful places to visit.

Adrian suggests that I practice standing on the plinth by standing on the Land Rover!

The laptop is now on the live plinth stream constantly. Addicted? Possibly, but watching the human race has always fascinated me and the different interpretations of 60 minutes on the plinth is endless.

My only observation is that if this is supposed to be a representation of the UK population, I don't feel from what I've seen, that it is. Seems to be mostly white, middle class, which is a shame. Not sure how much more yoga I can take.

How will it be viewed over time, I wonder? The only hint of what else is happening in the world tends to be through the various charity promotions.

A reminder:

Thursday 6 August 2009

FRIDAY 6TH AUGUST - Unexpected enquiry

Legs feeling better, but decided to have a Thai massage. Pat's massages helped my body recover from pneumonia last year and I return if I feel my body would benefit. As a result I've just woken from 8 hours sleep. Wonderful.

I'm writing about it, because it's relevant. I was feeling totally relaxed, not even thinking of the plinth, when the presentation popped into my head. I've known the content since Saturday, but how to deliver the message wasn't clear - it is now. It involves a bit of work, but I will find it enjoyable.

Adrian (husband) had his OZ/NZ work trip confirmed today. (Melbourne, Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Brisbane, Sydney, Hong Hong. ) From September 3rd to Oct 1st. We had hoped he would be able to watch my hour with friends in Sydney, but he may still be in flight from Brisbane. So it will have to be a replay party a little later on.

Katie (daughter - has made a card for me to distribute to those people I can't reach by email. Takes me back to Sport Aid in 1986, when she drew posters for me. Some things don't change!

I expect this experience and promoting it so widely, will lead to all manner of unexpected happenings over the next few weeks. The first one came by e-mail. A Yorkshire 4th year Fine Arts student is doing a dissertation on some of the plinth participants and asked if I would answer some questions about the experience nearer the time. Of course, I said I would be delighted.

Another supporter for The Archers family mention. The BBC radio soap opera, is giving the project great publicity.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

THURSDAY 6th AUGUST -Train of thought

Stayed at home yesterday. A very rare event. Legs a bit sore, so decided to rest them. Post grandchildren I think. It worked. Feeling better this morning.

Worked on further publicity. Hence this blog. Kay at was helpful and I have agreed to wear one of the ' I love York' T shirt during some part of my hour.

Kay asked a question, "why families?" and I realised I have left a bit out of my train of thought in my original posting. This is how it went.

"Look at that plinth idea. It must be just for show offs and arty people. But why don't I go on the plinth. Why? Because I can. It would be something fantastic to leave in the archives for the grandchildren and future generations. Mother would love it, she still talks of, "London, my London", even though her memory is going.

(Break here - I've just been mentioned on Sarah Kennedy BBC Radio 2 - hooray!)

But what would I do? Never mind that, you're not likely to get on. But what if you are. But I'd just want my family with me, just like my 60th birthday party in May. Perhaps I could take a huge photo of them with me? That birthday photo perhaps? What if it rains? I'd have to use that hour to raise money for something too. I feel a sense of responsibility to do so, with that worldwide exposure. I know, families. That's going to be my theme.

Wow! I've got a place. That's incredible. Oh No! It's on the same day I'm in York doing the sanitation awareness day for SI York Ebor in York City Centre. But it's at 4am, so I can still get back. Right, that's it. Families. All the different families in my life, including Soroptimists International. And I will fund raise for their WaterAid initiative plus ChildLine, my personal choice."

So that's how this started...

New families to be added to my list: The City of York family, The Archers (from 3 people!) and perhaps I should include my previous employer John Lewis (Waitrose), the best example of a family business.

WEDNESDAY 5TH AUGUST - First three days

Great response in first. 24 hours. Some great messages from friends, who generally think I'm barking, plus a start to donations into both charities. Wonderful.

Been watching some of the live link and past plinthers. The guy playing football appeared oblivious of his limited space and in contrast I admired Jez, who last night suffered appalling vertigo, but kept going to the end, clinging to the pole.

I know how I want it to look on the plinth, just getting my head round the logistics.

Now to get my blog up and running.


Have been stuck to the laptop, when I haven't been showing Fiona and Chris the glories of North Yorkshire. Writing to everyone I know and hoping that they will forward it to everyone they know. This is my posting:

You are invited to Trafalger Square on Saturday September 26th. From 4am to 5am.
Rita - Putting the I in ART. A celebration of families.
Be there in person or online, live or

Donations welcome: http:/


Rita - putting the I into ART.
Why? Well, why not?
For me, ‘One and Other’ means community and community means families. All types of families. I would like to use the hour to celebrate special families in my life and give them enormous thanks. I will also use this amazing opportunity to increase awareness for two charities. WaterAid and ChildLine

Personal family - Adrian, Katie, Mark, Paul, Jack, Joe, Nic, Noah, Carolyn, Mike, Frances, Brenda, Owen, Richard, Josie, Amy, Deacon, Ben, Matt, Fiona & Chris.

Family of girlfriends - without whom, I may have gone crazy over the years. I’m afraid that if mention some, I’ll leave some out. But here goes: Pat, Samantha, Katie, Helen, Gail, Wendy, Val, Ailsa, Sue, Cath, Pam, Faith, Elizabeth, Maggie, Sarah-Jane, Jackie, Liz, Mary, Ann, Marjorie,Lorna and Sylvia.

Human Givens Therapy family - Ivan, Joe, all at Chalvington HQ, Bill, Piers, Wendy, Peter, Gail, Jenny, Julian, Ingrid, Ralph, Sally, Pam S, Pam Y, June, Hilary, Elly, Julia, Jane, Joy, Peter and many others.
Church families - St James, New Malden. All Saints, Marlow. St Philp & St James, York

Soroptimist International family - York Ebor, UK & worldwide. Awareness. Action. Advocacy. By women for women. See below.

Chocolate tasting family at Nestle - Dennis, Richard, Marie, Amy, Sally, Loobie, Pat, Lucy, Maggie.

Richard Bacon’s Special family (BBC Radio 5) - you know who you are.

...and not forgetting the family of plinthers.

When September 26th was given to me, my heart rose and then sank. I remembered that I’m running a stall for the Soroptimists International York Ebor in York city centre. We are raising awareness of the lack of sanitation in parts of the world through the charity Water Aid.

Then I though, what better place to increase awareness than the 4th plinth. So, thank to those who are having to cover my initial absence. I’m collecting for ChildLine and Water Aid

On reflection, Trafalgar Square and London has provided some fun stories over six decades, so I will share them too.

Last Saturday I received an email that told me I had been selected for a place on the Anthony Gormley art installation 'One and Other' the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square.
My one hour slot is on Saturday 26th September from 4am to 5am.
My heart rose and then sank. I am running a stall in York City Centre that day with the Soroptimists. We are part of a project for WaterAid. Then I realised that an hour on the plinth was the best publicity we could have. So I shall do both, but may be a bit tired on Sunday 27th!
I have a personal charity, ChildLine. So I am offering a choice for people to contribute to.